Education and outreach are essential for raising awareness about the economic, social, and environmental challenges posed by invasive species. These efforts are key to shaping the attitudes and behaviors that can help prevent the spread of invasives and protect our natural landscapes.
Guided by a passion to preserve, protect, and share the treasures of the natural world, our Education and Outreach team delivers engaging programs and resources for all ages. We provide hands-on workshops, school presentations, community events, and informational campaigns that empower individuals and groups to take action.
We are continually inspired by the people who embrace our teachings and make a positive impact in their communities, contributing to a healthier and more resilient East Kootenay. Together, we can protect the region's biodiversity for future generations.

The Education and Outreach team can be found throughout the summer at volunteer weed pulls, BC Parks, boat launches, farmers markets, and other community events offering education materials and resources. We love connecting with locals and visitors alike, to spread the word on invasive species management in the East Kootenay. If you are hosting a community event or weed pull, please contact us!

EKISC is committed to engaging with local East Kootenay residents, land managers, and other stakeholders. Our Education and Outreach team is consistently posting about EKISC events, organization updates, and current invasive species news on our Facebook page, on Instagram, and through our monthly e-newsletter. Our vision is to provide up to date information about invasive species from a local perspective and beyond. We strive to ensure that public are informed of the work of EKISC and our partners.
We partner with the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia + PlayCleanGo to offer resources on:
Clean Drain Dry is an education and outreach initiative aimed at stopping the spread of invasive plants, animals, and pathogens between water bodies. Remember to always "Clean, drain, dry" all boats and equipment after use!
Don't Let It Loose is an education and outreach initiative that encourages responsible pet ownership. Plants and animals from indoor aquariums and terrariums have the potential to become invasive species.
Plant Wise is an education tool for the horticulture industry and consumers to transition towards becoming invasive plant free. The ornamental and edible plants we use in our gardens could have the potential to become invasive, remember to consult the PlantWise guide to find safe non-invasive alternatives.
Play Clean Go is an education and outreach program that encourages outdoor recreationist to take steps to reduce the spread of invasive species. By making sure our equipment is always clean and free of invasive seeds we can head outside and know we are not causing undo harm to our wild places.
Buy Local, Burn Local is an education and outreach initiative to stop the spread of invaders moving on firewood. Moving firewood, to or from a campground or cabin, can spread invasive species and diseases that can destroy our forests and harm our air and water. Protect our forests by keeping firewood local.
Workshops + Courses.

EKISC is well positioned to play a key role in delivering information to a diverse range of stakeholders. We offer courses and workshops tailored to the organization, providing unique education opportunities for practitioners, community and volunteer groups, not-for- profit and conservation organizations, industry and industry associations, educators, and youth. We are flexible in our delivery, offering on the ground workshops or online courses. Take a look at our Workshops + Courses list and see what we have on offer, or contact us directly to customize a workshop for your organization.​
Practical Invasive Plant Identification
This course is for anyone interested in invasive plant identification. It may be particularly useful for environmental consultants, land surveyors, local government staff, roadside maintenance contractors, and stewardship groups.
This course provides an overview of the characteristics that will enable you to easily identify invasive plants, optimal growing conditions, and common management methods. It covers methods for identifying plants using regional books and websites, and how to report infestations.
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Verify common invasive plant species, characteristics, impact on the landscape, and vectors of spread.
Employ resources and steps to identify an unknown plant.
Outline management methods for removal and disposal.
Aquatic Invasive Species 101
This course is for anyone who wants to know more about aquatic invasive species. It may be particularly useful for marina staff, lakeside campground attendants, park stewards, recreational watercraft users or anglers.
This course provides an overview of the characteristics that will enable you to easily identify invasive species including zebra + quagga mussels, some aquatic plant species, and some invasive fish. We will learn how to mitigate the spread of aquatic species including the Clean, Drain, Dry method and how to report any invasive species seen.
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Verify common invasive aquatic species, characteristics, impact on the landscape, and vectors of spread.
Employ resources and steps to identify an unknown species
Mitigation techniques to prevent the spread and how to report invasive species
Priority Plant Species Identification
Best Management Practices for Industry
This course is targeted at professionals and volunteers who are engaged, or interested in, invasive species work. This training will enhance current efforts and reduce the frequency of inaccurate reports and excessive reporting of common species.
This course provides a comprehensive look at the priority invasive plants in the East Kootenay region, goes over EKISC"s Invasive Plant Management Areas. Participants will learn or review how to detect characteristics and vectors of spread, learn mitigation, management, and removal techniques, and learn how to record and report invasive species.
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Verify priority invasive plant species, characteristics, impact on the landscape, and vectors of spread.
Record and report priority species
Implement preventative measures and control the spread of priority species through coordinated removals
This course is targeted at industry professionals, municiple staff, roadside maintenance contractors, and those who are engaged or interested in invasive species work. This training is customizable for the needs of different groups and knowledge​
This course covers basic and priority invasive plant identification including characteristics of spread and brief biology. Preventative measures and management methods for removal/disposal relevant to your industry will be covered. Recording and reporting invasive species will also be explored.
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Verify common and priority invasive plant species, characteristics, impact on the landscape, and vectors of spread, and to prioritize target species
Implement preventative measures, monitoring, and choose appropriate removal and disposal techniques
Integrating adaptive management
Field Techniques for Recording + Reporting
This course is designed for operational and management positions who are required to record and report invasive species; particularly useful for land managers in regional districts, conservation and stewardship groups, forest licensees, industries including utilities, oil and gas, agriculture, aggregate, forestry, and roadworks.
This course is designed to train professionals in field techniques for mapping and reporting invasive plant occurrences. This course provides in class and hands on training in field techniques, including:
Using the Invasive Alien Plant Program (IAPP) Mapping System
Vouchering and photograph tips for sampling and identification, including safely handling plants
Estimating and measuring distance and cover
Occurrence reporting
Data management
Participants must have a tablet or phone with the IAPP field forms, and Report Invasives App downloaded
We love getting into the classroom as much as we can - email Joshua Clark, our Education and Outreach Coordinator at josh@ekisc.com to schedule EKISC to drop in with our American Bullfrog specimens and pressed plants! We discuss biodiversity and how invasive species is the second greatest threat to biodiversity, and can do this at all age levels!
Please get in touch with us to plan a class weed pull, restoration event, to discuss ideas, activities and games, and teacher resources further!