Golden Shovel Award.
Since 2010, the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council has selected an organization and/or individual who have made significant contributions to invasive plant management efforts in the region. We call this the Golden Shovel Award.
EKISC presents this distinguished recognition award at our Annual General Meeting each spring.
2023 Recipient
Sparwood District Fish and Wildlife Association
From Katie Reid, Program Director
"Working together to protect and preserve wildlife and wild places" is the mission of this wildlife club, established in 1918. Initially known as the Michel-Natal Rod and Gun Club, it was renamed the Sparwood District Fish and Wildlife Association (SDFWA) in 1966. As one of the oldest wildlife clubs in British Columbia, this volunteer organization is dedicated to safeguarding and maintaining wildlife, fisheries, and the environment by collaborating with local industries, various organizations, and government agencies. Members of the SDFWA continuously volunteer their time and effort to spearhead and support remarkable projects such as the Big Ranch Ecosystem Enhancement Project, the Elk Valley West Bighorn Sheep Population Dynamics Study, the Grave Prairie habitat enhancement project, and an ongoing elk collaring and migration study.
The East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) and SDFWA first partnered in 2019 to address ecosystem enhancement in the Elk Valley, a critical area in the East Kootenay that provides vital habitat for Bighorn sheep and essential ungulate winter range. Invasive species rapidly encroached upon this significant habitat, necessitating immediate restoration and enhancement efforts. Matt Huryn and the SDFWA dedicated countless hours to the groundwork, collaborating with numerous organizations, clubs, and government agencies to compile research and data. Their efforts culminated in successfully securing a five-year Ecosystem Enhancement Grant from the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) for enhancement activities at the Big Ranch Property and the surrounding Elk Valley area.
Now in the fifth year of their project, they have effectively leveraged CBT's funding with additional sources to conduct major land enhancements, including large wetland restoration, tree thinning, encroachment removal, fencing, and various other activities. SDFWA has prioritized invasive plant management throughout their project. EKISC collaborated with SDFWA on the extensive Elk Valley Invasive Plant Management Plan, integrating it with SDFWA's Big Ranch enhancement project. SDFWA's contributions have significantly reduced invasive plants in critical winter ungulate habitats. In addition to on-the-ground invasive plant management, they installed boot brush kiosks and signage promoting the "Play, Clean, Go" behavior campaign.
SDFWA has presented their Big Ranch Project at numerous meetings, conferences, fundraisers, and banquets, highlighting the importance of invasive plant management, their partnership with EKISC, and the significance of the "Play, Clean, Go" initiative.
In recognition of their outstanding achievements and dedication to invasive plant management and ecosystem enhancement, EKISC is awarding SDFWA the prestigious Golden Shovel Award. This accolade celebrates their exceptional commitment to preserving the Elk Valley's natural habitats and their unwavering efforts to combat invasive species. The Golden Shovel Award underscores the vital impact of SDFWA's initiatives and serves as a testament to their remarkable contributions to environmental conservation.